Wednesday, April 9, 2008

My poor boys...

All the boys at our house aren't well....

My dear husband went to the cardiologist yesterday for problems with extra heart beats. He's had high blood pressure and now this. I actually saw him worried...which is my job. He usually acts so strong. It broke my heart to realize he's been burdened with the "what-ifs" regarding his health. So, I said, "That's it; we are definitely changing the way we eat. Japanese-style food it is." But what did we eat for dinner tonight as we scurried to make our house presentable for our small group? Little Caesar's pizza and crazy bread...I'm so ashamed.

Now onto my son. He has a fever again...some strange fever virus going around. He had it for a few days last week, got well, then it returned yesterday. All he's been able to do is lay around watching TV and playing on the PS3...wait a's that different from any other day?

And last but not least...our precious little kitty, Rocket, got neutered today. He's been a pitiful sight. He wants to sit but doesn't. He follows us around like he wants to be held but then growls when we do. And do you know how hard it is to convince your children to not touch him because he needs his rest, after they've been worrying about him all day?

Then I'm left to explain why he got surgery..."they cut his private parts so he couldn't make babies." Realizing that probably sounds incredibly horrific I elaborate, "You know the part that holds the know...the sperm...that makes the babies. They cut that part and fixed it so if he gets out of the house he won't...." You get the idea! We have not had "the Talk" with the kids yet but I imagine them recalling this conversation and suddenly all will be clear.

Then I realize they may ask, "So is that what you did to daddy so you can't have anymore babies?"

1 comment:

Kat said...

We missed you today. I'm sorry your son is sick again. You are nicer than my mom, she made us watch musicals and old movies when we were sick. However, I really do love those movies now. Maybe, I will do that to mine. Hmmm . . .

I will pray for you hubbys health and worries. Hope to see you tomorrow.