It has been several days since my last post. I had several things I was ruminating over to share but simply had no energy because I got a cold last week that still has not gone away. My dear husband picked up Zicam for me because a friend of mine swears by it. Then another friend told me Zicam had been sued because their product has caused anosmia (loss of smell and taste). You can read about it here. I immediately stopped using it because hey, I love food too much!! Although, if I couldn't taste or smell it, I may not be tempted to eat so much since it would bring me no pleasure....
The kids and I do school four days a week and use the other day to go to the library, on field trips, etc. Last Friday was the first one since the holidays that we did not have to be somewhere early in the morning. So, I decided to use it as a catch-up day for me. You may recall I'm working on organizing my "multipurpose" room. I planned to get up early and get busy, and let the kids have a free day. But when I woke up I could barely swallow or breathe. I spent much of the day in bed. Boo hoo!
Saturday wasn't much better until I started using the Zicam, though I gave that up the next day. Yesterday, I felt like a truck hit me and thank God the kids were relatively good so I could rest.
Needless to say, I've been chasing zinc with orange juice, and drinking hot tea at every opportunity. Plus I'm guzzling water by the buckets which sends me running to the little girls' room every five minutes!
Anybody have any safe homeopathic remedies for the common cold? I'd love to hear your ideas.
Chronicles of parenting, homeschooling, marriage, coffee addictions...pretty much whatever I feel like sharing to keep our far away, and not-so-far away, family and friends up-to-date.
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Warning...Blogging Can Be Good for You!
I am addicted to blogging and have only been at it for a week or so. I have found it to be a therapeutic outlet. Michael must appreciate it also because I'm talking his ear off less.
Words cannot describe how I have changed...for the a matter of days. I'm suddenly happier. I have always been a writer, if only for myself, journaling life's up and downs. Yet, lately I have been unable to stick with it. Blogging has reawakened me. Each day brings potential stories for my blog. I even have a notebook to write down all the ideas coming to mind. My husband thinks I'm crazy...but that's nothing new. I'm like this with my scrapbooking too. "Honey, I have this great idea for a scrapbook page so we need to create the scene for it." He laughs. I know you fellow "croppers" can relate.
Anyway...back to my newfound self...I find myself reacting to my children with even more silliness and less hair pulling...mine, not theirs, although some days....
For example, I give voices to animals. I don't know why. Maybe it's because I still love cartoons. Are there any without talking animals? BTW, my current favorites are Kim Possible and Phineas and Ferb. I have been known to plop on the couch with the kids to watch them while my husband...yep, you guessed it...laughs at me.
We have an adorable albeit ornery kitten, Rocket. He provides a lot of the comic relief at our house. When the kids pick him up to kiss him, he puts his paws out and pushes on their face. I cannot resist saying, "Stop! Please, no more. I said Stop! I'm gonna bite you. See...I warned you." Anytime he's terrorizing the place and bouncing off the walls I provide dialog for Rocket.
Michael, of course, thinks I'm crazy. Maybe I should start a list: Things Michael Thinks I'm Crazy,, Why Michael Thinks I'm Crazy Yet Loves Me Anyway. Yes, perfect!
So, my daughter thinks this is hilarious. Now she asks me to "talk" for the kitty. She has started doing this too. I got the warm fuzzies today imagining her doing the same thing with her children some day. Far better than the cold chills fearing she, or her brother, will repeat my many mistakes. I can only pray God strikes the undesirable ones from their memories.
...then again, they could write best sellers with all the material I've provided and take care of me in my old age.
Words cannot describe how I have changed...for the a matter of days. I'm suddenly happier. I have always been a writer, if only for myself, journaling life's up and downs. Yet, lately I have been unable to stick with it. Blogging has reawakened me. Each day brings potential stories for my blog. I even have a notebook to write down all the ideas coming to mind. My husband thinks I'm crazy...but that's nothing new. I'm like this with my scrapbooking too. "Honey, I have this great idea for a scrapbook page so we need to create the scene for it." He laughs. I know you fellow "croppers" can relate.
Anyway...back to my newfound self...I find myself reacting to my children with even more silliness and less hair pulling...mine, not theirs, although some days....
For example, I give voices to animals. I don't know why. Maybe it's because I still love cartoons. Are there any without talking animals? BTW, my current favorites are Kim Possible and Phineas and Ferb. I have been known to plop on the couch with the kids to watch them while my husband...yep, you guessed it...laughs at me.
We have an adorable albeit ornery kitten, Rocket. He provides a lot of the comic relief at our house. When the kids pick him up to kiss him, he puts his paws out and pushes on their face. I cannot resist saying, "Stop! Please, no more. I said Stop! I'm gonna bite you. See...I warned you." Anytime he's terrorizing the place and bouncing off the walls I provide dialog for Rocket.
Michael, of course, thinks I'm crazy. Maybe I should start a list: Things Michael Thinks I'm Crazy,, Why Michael Thinks I'm Crazy Yet Loves Me Anyway. Yes, perfect!
So, my daughter thinks this is hilarious. Now she asks me to "talk" for the kitty. She has started doing this too. I got the warm fuzzies today imagining her doing the same thing with her children some day. Far better than the cold chills fearing she, or her brother, will repeat my many mistakes. I can only pray God strikes the undesirable ones from their memories.
...then again, they could write best sellers with all the material I've provided and take care of me in my old age.
Monday, April 14, 2008
And...I'll Have a Side of Cholesterol
Michael and I got some much needed quality time last evening while the kids hung out with Grandpa. And where did we spend it? Doing what shopping sans kids.
As all good grocery shoppers know, you never go to the store hungry or you end up purchasing things you never would otherwise (i.e. Cheetos, Twinkies, etc.), so we stopped off at Champps before we headed to Central Market. Which is my favorite...absolute store ever. We eat almost all organic food and it is the best with the most variety at a decent price.
Now back to our regularly scheduled blogging....
We usually share a meal and so we ordered a salad and peppercorn bacon burger. Hubby wanted the salad; I wanted the burger. I ate healthy at lunch and felt like indulging a bit. When our food arrived, the runner assumed I had ordered the salad...go figure! Why was he surprised? One look at my husband's face clued me in. He was staring at the monstrosity on my platter. Before me was a double-decker burger with all the fixings and queso waffle fries!
I assumed a burger was a burger and did not read the description. It had to weigh half a pound...probably more. I had actually ordered the Peppercorn Bacon Stack Burger. Had I noticed that key word I would have made a different selection. I could only eat a quarter of it and a few fries. Yes, I had some salad also.
I laughed when I recalled the look on the guy's face as he set it before me. No wonder he looked like I had two heads. I must have been the first woman to order that thing. I imagined him going back to the kitchen and yelling, "Guys, you gotta see this!" Too embarrassed to see if they were indeed staring at me through the glass, I forged ahead. It was fabulous...all juicy and dripping with greasy goodness.
Let's just say I'll be reading the "fine" print next time.
As all good grocery shoppers know, you never go to the store hungry or you end up purchasing things you never would otherwise (i.e. Cheetos, Twinkies, etc.), so we stopped off at Champps before we headed to Central Market. Which is my favorite...absolute store ever. We eat almost all organic food and it is the best with the most variety at a decent price.
Now back to our regularly scheduled blogging....
We usually share a meal and so we ordered a salad and peppercorn bacon burger. Hubby wanted the salad; I wanted the burger. I ate healthy at lunch and felt like indulging a bit. When our food arrived, the runner assumed I had ordered the salad...go figure! Why was he surprised? One look at my husband's face clued me in. He was staring at the monstrosity on my platter. Before me was a double-decker burger with all the fixings and queso waffle fries!
I assumed a burger was a burger and did not read the description. It had to weigh half a pound...probably more. I had actually ordered the Peppercorn Bacon Stack Burger. Had I noticed that key word I would have made a different selection. I could only eat a quarter of it and a few fries. Yes, I had some salad also.
I laughed when I recalled the look on the guy's face as he set it before me. No wonder he looked like I had two heads. I must have been the first woman to order that thing. I imagined him going back to the kitchen and yelling, "Guys, you gotta see this!" Too embarrassed to see if they were indeed staring at me through the glass, I forged ahead. It was fabulous...all juicy and dripping with greasy goodness.
Let's just say I'll be reading the "fine" print next time.
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
My poor boys...
All the boys at our house aren't well....
My dear husband went to the cardiologist yesterday for problems with extra heart beats. He's had high blood pressure and now this. I actually saw him worried...which is my job. He usually acts so strong. It broke my heart to realize he's been burdened with the "what-ifs" regarding his health. So, I said, "That's it; we are definitely changing the way we eat. Japanese-style food it is." But what did we eat for dinner tonight as we scurried to make our house presentable for our small group? Little Caesar's pizza and crazy bread...I'm so ashamed.
Now onto my son. He has a fever again...some strange fever virus going around. He had it for a few days last week, got well, then it returned yesterday. All he's been able to do is lay around watching TV and playing on the PS3...wait a's that different from any other day?
And last but not least...our precious little kitty, Rocket, got neutered today. He's been a pitiful sight. He wants to sit but doesn't. He follows us around like he wants to be held but then growls when we do. And do you know how hard it is to convince your children to not touch him because he needs his rest, after they've been worrying about him all day?
Then I'm left to explain why he got surgery..."they cut his private parts so he couldn't make babies." Realizing that probably sounds incredibly horrific I elaborate, "You know the part that holds the know...the sperm...that makes the babies. They cut that part and fixed it so if he gets out of the house he won't...." You get the idea! We have not had "the Talk" with the kids yet but I imagine them recalling this conversation and suddenly all will be clear.
Then I realize they may ask, "So is that what you did to daddy so you can't have anymore babies?"
My dear husband went to the cardiologist yesterday for problems with extra heart beats. He's had high blood pressure and now this. I actually saw him worried...which is my job. He usually acts so strong. It broke my heart to realize he's been burdened with the "what-ifs" regarding his health. So, I said, "That's it; we are definitely changing the way we eat. Japanese-style food it is." But what did we eat for dinner tonight as we scurried to make our house presentable for our small group? Little Caesar's pizza and crazy bread...I'm so ashamed.
Now onto my son. He has a fever again...some strange fever virus going around. He had it for a few days last week, got well, then it returned yesterday. All he's been able to do is lay around watching TV and playing on the PS3...wait a's that different from any other day?
And last but not least...our precious little kitty, Rocket, got neutered today. He's been a pitiful sight. He wants to sit but doesn't. He follows us around like he wants to be held but then growls when we do. And do you know how hard it is to convince your children to not touch him because he needs his rest, after they've been worrying about him all day?
Then I'm left to explain why he got surgery..."they cut his private parts so he couldn't make babies." Realizing that probably sounds incredibly horrific I elaborate, "You know the part that holds the know...the sperm...that makes the babies. They cut that part and fixed it so if he gets out of the house he won't...." You get the idea! We have not had "the Talk" with the kids yet but I imagine them recalling this conversation and suddenly all will be clear.
Then I realize they may ask, "So is that what you did to daddy so you can't have anymore babies?"
Saturday, April 5, 2008
Beautiful Day

school room. It's been a work in progress over the last two weeks. With two sick kids, one sick kitten and the never-ending daily tasks it has been quite difficult to get much done.
Today, however, everyone appears well so I got up early to get to work. I needed a few things so my sweet hubby went to Home Depot and Walmart. He's so sweet that way....getting me things when I ask without a complaint. I am not so gracious; I'm convinced it stems from being the gopher for my mom when I was growing up. I am learning from him. Anyway....
When he returned home, he told me not to come outside because he was working on a surprise. That's another thing he does that I love...little surprises just because.
Since we are leasing our home, we don't want to do much digging in the yard so we decided containers would be easiest. We eat mostly organic food and I thought it would be great if we could grow some things at home to cut our produce costs at the grocery store. Over half of our food budget is spent on produce and it gets expensive purchasing organic foods.
A little while later I was allowed to see what he had done. He created this container garden for me with some of my favorite vegetables and herbs. He even used organic soil. I'm so proud. What a great surprise!
Friday, April 4, 2008
To Homeschool or Not to Homeschool....Part II
There was such a passion in my heart to do this but my dear husband was not on board. I began researching and prepping my "case" to present to the "jury." I knew I would need to have all my information ready if this was to go well. I also prayed and prayed and prayed....and my friends prayed as well.
I told God He knew my heart and I believed He was speaking this to me but my husband was not budging, so for this to happen...if it was truly His will...He would have to help my husband change his mind. After many discussions that seemed to go nowhere I began to doubt. I finally asked my husband what his concern was with the whole thing. I feared he didn't trust my abilities.
He was concerned about how I would handle being home with them all day...mostly because they argue so much. He also wanted me to work to bring in extra income. I told him it would be hard being home with them 24/7 again but it was no reason to not follow my heart, my passion and most importantly, what I believed to be right for them. And as far as money goes, I believed the Lord would bless us for following His leading. He agreed to try it and here we are...eight months later counting the days until school ends! Just kidding...
I'm told the first year is the hardest because you don't know what to expect. It has been a learning experience. But is rewarding to be the teacher to my children...they'll only be here for a little while longer. I am so blessed to be able to stay home and educate my children the way I believe. I am thankful for the state we live in that doesn't put restrictions on how we do it. I appreciate others who've gone before us and share all their wisdom and experience.
By the way...if you homeschool or are thinking of homeschooling I believe the following book is a must-read: 100 Top Picks for Homeschool Curriculum by Cathy Duffy. My friend Lanell told me about it. It's great! You should also read So, You're Thinking of Homeschooling by Lisa Whelchel (yes, Blair from the Facts of Life).
That was longer than I intended it to be but I couldn't stop the words from flowing. Blessings!
I told God He knew my heart and I believed He was speaking this to me but my husband was not budging, so for this to happen...if it was truly His will...He would have to help my husband change his mind. After many discussions that seemed to go nowhere I began to doubt. I finally asked my husband what his concern was with the whole thing. I feared he didn't trust my abilities.
He was concerned about how I would handle being home with them all day...mostly because they argue so much. He also wanted me to work to bring in extra income. I told him it would be hard being home with them 24/7 again but it was no reason to not follow my heart, my passion and most importantly, what I believed to be right for them. And as far as money goes, I believed the Lord would bless us for following His leading. He agreed to try it and here we are...eight months later counting the days until school ends! Just kidding...
I'm told the first year is the hardest because you don't know what to expect. It has been a learning experience. But is rewarding to be the teacher to my children...they'll only be here for a little while longer. I am so blessed to be able to stay home and educate my children the way I believe. I am thankful for the state we live in that doesn't put restrictions on how we do it. I appreciate others who've gone before us and share all their wisdom and experience.
By the way...if you homeschool or are thinking of homeschooling I believe the following book is a must-read: 100 Top Picks for Homeschool Curriculum by Cathy Duffy. My friend Lanell told me about it. It's great! You should also read So, You're Thinking of Homeschooling by Lisa Whelchel (yes, Blair from the Facts of Life).
That was longer than I intended it to be but I couldn't stop the words from flowing. Blessings!
Thursday, April 3, 2008
To Homeschool or Not to Homeschool....Part I
The last few, make that months...have been crazy and our kids aren't even in any sports, dance, music classes right now...though they will be soon. The craziness is because this year we decided to homeschool both of our children. Before I reveal the present, let me take you back in time.
It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness....what...Oh, sorry. I was having an out of century experience.
Where was I...oh yes...My first attempt at homeschooling was when my sweet boy started kindergarten. After the newness wore off for him...about a month...he decided doing school at home was not fun. He proceeded to make life difficult for mommy. He had to be disciplined just to do school...and we're talking two hours maximum of school per day, really not a big deal. Try telling that to a five year old with VeggieTales to watch and Lego airplanes to build. So, it was off to public school he went. He loved it and truly looked adorable in his new backpack that was almost as big as he was!
Fast forward four years, after we moved from Indiana to Grapevine, Texas our sweet girl began to have severe anxiety about school in second grade. I quit my part-time job that I loved at Fish City Grill (my favorite seafood place in Southlake, TX) to homeschool her that year. We survived even after another move which brought us to Houston. I decided I wanted to continue to homeschool but her doctor was against it; my husband agreed with her, not me....yes, he's still alive.... ;)
So, both were back in school the following year and I was enjoying my freedom. But the desire never went away. Several of our friends and acquaintances homeschool and it seemed we had a built-in support system if we ever decided to do this.
to be continued....
It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness....what...Oh, sorry. I was having an out of century experience.
Where was I...oh yes...My first attempt at homeschooling was when my sweet boy started kindergarten. After the newness wore off for him...about a month...he decided doing school at home was not fun. He proceeded to make life difficult for mommy. He had to be disciplined just to do school...and we're talking two hours maximum of school per day, really not a big deal. Try telling that to a five year old with VeggieTales to watch and Lego airplanes to build. So, it was off to public school he went. He loved it and truly looked adorable in his new backpack that was almost as big as he was!
Fast forward four years, after we moved from Indiana to Grapevine, Texas our sweet girl began to have severe anxiety about school in second grade. I quit my part-time job that I loved at Fish City Grill (my favorite seafood place in Southlake, TX) to homeschool her that year. We survived even after another move which brought us to Houston. I decided I wanted to continue to homeschool but her doctor was against it; my husband agreed with her, not me....yes, he's still alive.... ;)
So, both were back in school the following year and I was enjoying my freedom. But the desire never went away. Several of our friends and acquaintances homeschool and it seemed we had a built-in support system if we ever decided to do this.
to be continued....
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