I have been horrible at keeping y'all updated. Please forgive me!! It has been crazy and I have not made writing a priority. We're staying busy with homeschooling, and I recently started working out.
Michael and I are looking at university-model schools for the kids. We're planning ahead for the junior high/high school years and praying for what the Lord would have us do. Just taking the homeschooling thing one year at a time. It's enjoyable except when the kids are at each other's throats. Realizing....duh....they spend almost every waking moment together, we decided tonight to get them each into their own activity.
Bdawg played football last year but isn't involved in a sport for the Spring. We're going to get him a membership at the gym with us.
Baby Girl hasn't been involved in anything for a couple years now. She wants to learn karate; there just happens to be a mixed martial arts place down the road so we'll be checking that out this week. We also redesigned her room for her 11th birthday. It's
tres chic!
Piper, the dog, is driving me crazy. She needs to learn some manners. We've had talks about appropriate affection but I don't think she gets it. She just loves to stomp on your feet or lick your toes to get attention, so we'll be taking her to obedience school soon.
Rocket, the cat, still rules the house. He lays around like he's the king, which is as it should be for cats, right?!
Last, and yes least, is Spike, the Beta. He's still alive because he doesn't get overfed...quite the opposite. Sometimes Spike goes a few days without freeze-dried worm bits. He sits on top of the fridge because Rocket tries to eat him--stuck his face right in the bowl. When we get busy, he gets neglected. Poor fish!
Oh...I almost forgot the rats. We have rats living in our backyard under the green electrical box. Our neighbor put out poison since they keep showing up in his yard to eat his dogs' food. They go through our yard to get home to die. They never make it. We've found six dead ones in the last week. How many has dear sweet hubby/dad disposed of? That' right...zero!! I've disposed of two and the kids disposed of three. (2 + 3 = 5...okay, make that five rats not six. I was just seeing if y'all were paying attention.) No, I didn't make them do it. They did this without my permission but they did use plastic bags. Good kids!
I'll have pictures to share soon.