While looking for homeschooling handbooks online...I am writing one for our family...I went to the Texas Home School Coalition's website. As I scrolled down, I found this photo.
I am so glad it was a good hair day! And...you can't tell I'm about twenty pounds overweight. Thank goodness!!
It was taken in August when Michael and I attended the local homeschool convention. Too bad he wasn't sitting next to me; we could look studious together.
The convention was a great resource for us to learn many things. The workshops were quite informative. One of those led us to choose a
classical-based unit study from a Christian worldview. I am looking forward to attending next year's convention. It was held at
The Woodlands Waterway Marriott. Beautiful hotel!
We enjoy The Woodlands immensely. We often go on a date night or as a family to walk around
Market Street, see a movie at Tinsel Town and get some dessert at Chocolata. We occasionally enjoy a free concert on the lawn at the
Cynthia Woods Mitchell Pavilion.
If you live in Texas and homeschool (or are considering it), attend the 2009 THSC state convention. You can find more information
here. Plan to make it a family event or a weekend getaway for you and your spouse.